A standard electric bike costs between 800-2000 euros. If we look at the benefits of having such a means of transport, the price does not seem high. Considering the lack of fuel costs needed to power cars, it may turn out that the purchase of an electric bike will pay off after one year of use. The time may be relatively shorter or longer depending on the kilometers traveled. Bike service is very cheap and parts are readily available. There is no cost of insurance and periodic technical examinations.
We can use Ebike to move along bicycle paths just like a conventional bicycle, so contact with cars
is reduced to a minimum. Support speed up to 25 km / h prevents acceleration to higher speeds. We
do not create a threat to other people in this way
The electric bike will undoubtedly be appreciated by every user. People who like sports will like the
possibility of reaching places that are so far very difficult to reach. Climbing up high hills or driving
in the mountains becomes incomparably easier.
For people who need to get to work economically. The ebike does not need fuel and moving along
bicycle paths you can easily avoid city traffic jams. Commuting to work or a meeting by electric
bike does not require much effort, so we do not have to shower or change into fresh clothes.
The ebike is perfect for elderly people who need exercise and contact with nature. Riding such a
bike limits physical effort, which makes it very comfortable. Commuting to the park, meeting
friends or bringing purchases from the store is now much easier and more enjoyable.
For those who value care for the environment and are aware of the dangers of excessive exhaust gas
production. Ebike is one of the most ecological and economical means of transport.
At first glance, an electric bicycle is no different from a traditional bicycle. It has a frame, handlebars, two wheels and a saddle. On closer inspection we can see the battery (if it is not hidden in the frame), the motor in the wheel or mounted between the pedals, and the function display on the handlebars. The main controller is usually hidden in the frame. Special wiring is also required to allow energy to flow between the above components. The electric bike is correspondingly heavier due to the electronics used, which is about 9 kg of additional weight. Many people confuse the
ebike with something like a smaller scooter. Nothing could be more wrong. Ebike is not a scooter. Pedaling is necessary to propel the bike, and the electric motor only supports us
European law on electric bicycles. The European Union has specific regulations regarding electric bicycles. Under the law an electric bicycle is one that meets the following limitations:
Maximum motor power up to 250W
Voltage up to 48V
Limitation of electric assistance to 25Km / h
Ebike’s width up to 0.9 m
Accelerator on the handbars is not allowed. The electric engine can be started only by using the pedals.
An ebike that meets the above restrictions will be treated like a regular bike. We will be able to move on public roads and bicycle paths. We call such an ebike a pedelec for which we do not need additional insurance or registration.
We use conventional bikes and ebikes for recreational and communication purposes. For many of
us, it is the basic equipment for building physical fitness and condition. Scientists have proven that
riding an ebike gives better results than a conventional bicycle. Thanks to electric support, we do
not put stress on the muscles, which prompts us to pedal more intensively. We do not have to use a
lot of energy, because the engine supports us up to 25 km / h. After exceeding this speed, we can
only rely on the strength of our muscles. Riding an e-bike encourages more frequent physical activity. This combination is very good for
improving our condition.
It is clear that an electric bicycle weighs more than a conventional bicycle. The weight depends on the components used: motor, battery, controller, wiring. Sometimes it is also required to strengthen the frame to make it more stable and safer. The average weight is between 23-27 kg. While riding, this weight is not felt, on the contrary, the bike seems lighter, more agile and more pleasant to handle.
As we already know the main components of an electric bike are: electric motor, battery, display and controller. There are usually 4 operating modes to choose from on the function display. Depending on which mode we choose for this speed the electric motor will support us, where 4 means the maximum speed of 25 km/h.
When we choose the driving mode and start pedaling the electric motor turns on which gives us a very positive impression of driving lightness. The more effort we put into pedaling the more power the electric motor will transmit. Everything is quiet and smooth as the system is devoid of complicated mechanics. After exceeding the speed of 25 km/h, the electric motor stops supporting us. The entire system is powered by a modern long-life Lithium Ion battery. Everything is managed by the main controller, monitoring the work of the components.